
A business continuity plan (BCP) is a document that contains important information that an organization needs to stay operational during unplanned events. BCP demonstrates the company's key capabilities, identifies the systems and processes that need to be maintained, and details how to maintain them.

The Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is based on how well a company is performing disaster recovery (DR) and backups. As the business evolves towards a hybrid, fully decentralized operational structure, proper DR and backup will be the backbone of good business continuity.

Backup Solutions

Why you should discard Legacy Backup Solutions and go for a change?

  • Delayed Cloud Adoption as the legacy backup was not designed with cloud
    solutions, so not easy to migrate
  • Hampering productivity with drawn-out backup windows, as the dataset
    increases, it would be unmanageable
  • Slow recoveries as there are long backup windows, messes day-to-day
    business operations, and cause huge losses for businesses.
  • Traditional backup solutions have sparse resource availability
  • High-cost structure and long-term inefficiency of derivative solutions
At Datasoft, we provide you with complete backup and DR solutions, to keep your Business Continuity flowing smoothly.

We offer solutions like:

  • To make DR a perfect and smooth process
  • Used for image-backup and DR
  • Make offsite backups for better management and recovery
  •  Analyze your backup requirements and design your backup and recovery infrastructure.
  • Provides documentation for recovery procedures and offsite backups.
  • Provides a backup window for analyzing the available data within the computing infrastructure.
  • Periodically make copies of your data and applications on another
    secondary device
  • Using those copies to recover your data and applications and the
    business operations they depend on.
  • Restore the original data and applications in cases of Power outages,
    cyber-attacks, human error, catastrophes, and other unplanned events.
  • Creates a virtual backup and recovery environment for a real-time solutions management break, to help the BCP function smoothly
  • In the world of remote working structures, this is one of the most used DR and Backup Services
  • Most relevant backup source for SaaS, PaaS, BCP Solutions
  • Sends a copy of the physical/ virtual file or database to a secondary,
    off-site location for preserving in case of failures

While these are the different DR and Backup solutions available, we at Datasoft offer to help with your Business’ Continuity Planning and we ensure that each of these solutions will meet your requirements.

Find the best customised DR/BCP and Backup solutions with us through the most reliable and cost-effective disaster management solution models.


+91 22 67681800



Andheri (W), Mumbai 
